The Impact of Violence on Learning
"Not enough"
What are the things we need in order to learn, and do we have enough of them? Some of the impacts that violence has on learning are obvious. Some effects are harder to put a finger on. Experiencing a climate of scarcity, a sense of being hounded by unmet needs, falls into this category.
from The Scarcity Project by Diana Meredith
Not Enough: A literary version of Diana Meredith’s slide show from “The Scarcity Project” ( - 16k)
Heather Lash, a literacy teacher/tutor offers a personal reflection on how the logic of scarcity – of not having enough – impacts the work of learning and living. Though not a description of the visual images, the reflection follows the same meditation of not having enough money * confidence * cake * power * meaning * magic.
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Discussion Questions
What are the things we need in order to learn, and do we have enough of them? ( - 23k)
This section explores the notion of how “not enough” might come up in learning contexts. As well as looking at Diana Meredith’s slide show and its literary companion, you and/or the learner/s you are working with may want to use these questions as discussion questions or writing prompts.
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