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acknowledgement activities ADD/ADHD addictions adult education adult learning adult literacy alcohol allies anxiety appropriation art therapy assault assimilation attachment attention seeking awareness bad behaviour barriers to learning behavioural student binaries black lives matter bodies boundaries bullying canary in the mine capitalism caregiver abuse childbirth childhood abuse children exposed children witnessing classroom coercive power college community-based literacy community college community development confidence connection conscious awareness consequences control creativity curiosity curriculum cutting danger despair devastation diabetes diagnosis dignity dissociation domestic violence drop out dyscalculia dysgraphia dyslexia dysphasia dyspraxia educational reform efficacy emotional abuse emotional violence empowerment encouragement environment equity fear flight forced migration freeze grief guilt habits harassment health healthcare helping myself learn helping others learn home human rights impacts incontinence Indigenous People intellectual disabilities intersectionality intimate partner abuse isolation job preparation joy lead poisoning learner learning learning and learning and violence learning difficulties learning disability learning environment learning success love making a fuss manual marginalized math maths meaning meditation memory mental illness metoo migrant mindfulness minds motivation movement network neveragain newcomers nomoresilence non-binary non-violence not stupid numeracy old patterns online parenting patients personal story philosophy physical disabilities physical violence Plain Language pollution post-secondary power powerless predators present privacy prostitution psychiatric abuse PTSD public space racism rape reflective practice reproductive health research residential school retention risky behaviours school self-care self-harm self-sabotage self-talk sexual abuse sexual violence shame silence social change social justice social movement South Africa spacing out spectrum of violence stalking state-sanctioned violence stress student substance abuse suicide support survivor systemic violence teachers teaching approaches technology therapy tools toxicity toxic violence trafficking trans trauma truth tutors ultrasound universal access upgrading victim violence vulnerable washrooms women Workplace learning workplaces